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Wellness Blog

Why Clean Eating is NOT a Fad

Today’s modern diet is wreaking havoc on our bodies. Not only do we eat too many processed foods filled with trans and polyunsaturated fats, sugar, and sodium, but we also are very removed from where our food comes from; so much of our food comes to us covered in pesticides and toxic chemicals and loaded with growth hormones. The evidence is growing that this type of diet is not sustainable, especially not for good health. Not only is it not sustainable, but it is also producing chronic symptoms that make it especially hard to pinpoint exactly what is going on in the body.

I am seeing children with belly bloat, repeated GI infections, eczema, asthma, allergies, behavioral issues, mood dysregulation, and early onset autoimmunity. Children are the canary in the coalmine. These escalating illnesses are not plateauing, which should make us stop and ask the serious question, what in our environment is creating all of these issues?

They all have different genetic makeups, they are born into different homes, with different mothers, but what do they have in common?

The food women choose to eat prior to conception, during pregnancy and if breastfeeding, after giving birth, combined with man-made synthetic formula, processed grain cereal and baby food are the first nutrition our children receive.

There has never been a more important time than now to open our eyes and adopt a new way of thinking about our food and a better way of eating.

Clean eating is NOT a fad; it is a necessity.

Clean eating benefits your body in so many ways, from better digestive function to better energy and brain performance. It helps promote a strong immune system and reduces your risk of illness and disease.

Clean eating is the only way to reverse the disease epidemic.

Clean Eating Basics

Eating clean food heals in myriad ways. It's not a secret that including healthy fats, clean organic protein and more fruits and vegetables can help you lose weight, improve your immune system, and maintain an overall healthy lifestyle. Here are some basics of clean eating:

  • Start by planning a balanced diet. This should include simple carbohydrates that are easily dissolved in your body eaten in limited amounts like fruit and dairy; you want to avoid the insulin surge from overloading on carbs. You also want to include some complex carbs found in whole grain, brown rice, leafy vegetables, and oats. and starchy veggies and fruits like potatoes, beans, figs, acorn squash, and plantains for sustained energy and packed with vitamins and minerals.

  • Protein is essential to stay healthy, so find good sources of clean, organic, meat such as grass-fed beef, bison, fish and chicken. You can also get protein from legumes, beans, and nuts.

  • Know the difference between good and bad fats. Unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids are the good fats that do not contribute to increased cholesterol levels. These are found in fish, nuts, and olive oil and in many other seeds as well. Trans fats are the bad fats that are man-made hydrogenated oils found in processed food that can create low-grade inflammation and damage your vascular system. These are fats found in breads, pizzas, creamers, ice cream, margarin, etc. PUFA's are another type of inflammatory fat that block thyroid function on all levels from the gland to the cell's uptake of thyroid hormone. Most people are trying to reduce their cholesterol as a result of the diet culture propaganda over the last few decades and eliminate saturated fats and red meats and opt for chicken and pork and plant-based diets high in nuts and nut oils. There is room in the diet for these foods, but they are higher in these omega 6 fatty acids, which are PUFA's, and oxidize very rapidly. This is another form of oxidative stress for the body, which is actually what causes this damage to the vascular system, endocrine imbalance, immune imbalance and a host of other chronic disease.

  • Increase your consumption of superfoods that pack a big punch of fulfilling nutrients in just a few bites! Think high antioxidant and micronutrient content. Things like chia, turmeric, berries, microgreens, quinoa, sulfur rich vegetables, spirulina, chlorella, cocoa can be added to your daily diet, even in small amounts, for a big impact!

  • Manage your portions. Just because you are eating a clean diet does not mean you need to consume excess calories. Be mindful of your intake of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Many times we believe we are eating an appropriate balance when in fact we are way off. This can slow your cellular metabolism and energy production.

  • Drink living water! Infuse your clean and filtered water with minerals and electrolytes!

Clean eating is a lifestyle, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, the more you practice clean eating, the easier it will get and the better you will feel. More importantly, your children will be watching and mimicking what you do. If we expect them to develop a healthy attitude about foods and learn self-control and delayed gratification, then we must lead by example in our daily choices!

You will eventually get to a point where you don't have to think so much and make such an effort to eat a clean diet, it will just be your lifestyle!

Consuming a diet to sustain energy, healthy weight, balanced sleep and moods, a robust microbiome and a strong immune system is not a fad, it is LIFE!


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