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Citrus Fruits

12 Week Functional 
Nutrition Program

Is this you:

Feel like your  weight issues are:

  • Simply about food choices and portions

  • Connected to deeper health issuesRelated to emotional or stress eating

  • Hormonal in nature


Are or have been a chronic yo yo dieter and are finally sick of the binging or cheating or restrictive diets? 


Feel like you have to starve yourself to lose weight? 


Struggle with food or sugar addiction?


Hide your food choices from your spouse or others ?


Feel shame when you look in the mirror or wear certain clothes?


Feel so energy depleted when you diet?


Never achieve lasting results because you always come off your “diet”?


If you said yes, are your primary goals: 

  • To learn what healing nutrition means for your body 

  • To optimize your metabolism so you can maintain a healthy weight 

  • To find out your exact mineral imbalances and how to correct them so you can maximize your adrenals, thyroid, blood sugar and metabolism 

  • To break up with your self-sabotaging emotional eating and unhealthy relationship with food forever 

  • To begin healing years of damage done by chronic dieting and binge eating 

  • To learn what amount of calories and balanced macronutrients are needed to fuel your metabolic needs 

  • To have a certified health and mindset coach and nutritionist available to personally guide you and help you cultivate a love for food again with no shame, no guilt and no starving yourself 


This program:

Taps into the subconscious beliefs and patterns that are keeping your body holding weight 

Provides a safe container for you to examine deep rooted unhealthy relationships with food 

Provides scientific guidelines for establishing caloric needs for your particular body 

Does not take you through unsustainable and unhealthy diet practices that are the root of the diet pill/diet shot craze in this unhealthy country 

Provides 60 days of metabolic supporting nutrients to help jumpstart optimal nutrition and weight management 


Whole Body Healing

Are you sick and tired of: 

  • Being sick and tired 

  • Digestion is always hit or miss. Gerd. Reflux. Bloating. Constipation. 

  • Skin looking like a scaled reptile or like you are a teen all over again 

  • Money brain- soooo tired but can’t fall asleep; if you do fall asleep, HELLO 4am wake up jolt of adrenaline 

  • Brain fog- and you can’t blame pregnancy this time! 

  • Headaches- this is a major sign of nutrient imbalance, infection, toxicity and hormone disarray 

  • Joint pain- so sick of docs telling you this is normal! It is NOT normal and not a sign of aging! 

  • Can’t catch a break… you or your kids are always sick or even worse, you never get sick and you never mount a fever (MAJOR SIGN OF IMMUNE SYSTEM GONE WRONG)

  • Mood swings- you’re up, you’re down, you’re so triggered all the time and an emotionally reactive volcano (UM, YOU’RE A MAJOR LIABILITY LIKE THIS)

  • Hormones are never good- heavy periods, no periods, never ending periods, angry, cysts, fibroids, blood sugar never balance, cystic breasts

  • Weight loss resistance or trouble gaining weight 

  • Hair falls out way more than just your average hormone cycle shift making you embarrassed and self conscious 

  • THE FATIGUE…. Forget being fun mom and running around all day, forget getting to your workouts, you’re lucky to get up and get through your day. 


Have you noticed: 

  • Food sensitivities increasing
  • Environmental sensitivities 

  • Reactions to things that never bothered you before 


Do you feel like: 

  • Something deeper is wrong

  • Your body is fighting itself

  • Your symptoms are all connected somehow

  • Traditional approaches aren't addressing the root cause 

  • You keep hopping to the latest trendy protocol and never really heal (how much money have you wasted over the years?? The worse part is all the HEALTH that you have wasted….

  • The medications you are prescribed have created so much confusion you don’t know what symptoms are from medications and what are caused by your underlying issues 


If your goals are: 

Have a simple to follow plan that features WHOLE BODY healing 

Hit the easy button and start healing NOW

Begin healing every cell in your body 

Begin healing your leaky gut, cells and brain 

To jumpstart your body’s NATURAL and organic detoxification processes 

To put out fires that are raging and damaging your vital organs and glands 

To find your energy 

To finally go to the bathroom when expected 

To start balancing your minerals and flushing out metals, bacteria and parasites 

To begin healing your gut – that controls your hormones and neurotransmitters 


To have a whole team of experts available for support each week

To pump your body so full of life and nutrients 

To turn back on your body’s biochemical mechanisms that do everything for your body- making hormones, brain chemistry and mood regulation, and DETOXIFICATION

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